House of Cards

Newly selected Vice President Frank Underwood's chief of staff Doug Stamper warns him about journalists investigating the death of Congressman Peter Russo. When Zoe suggests Russo was murdered, Frank pushes her in front of an oncoming Metro train. Zoe's colleague Janine Skorsky receives nude photos of Zoe that Frank had taken, and is frightened into abandoning the investigation; Zoe's lover, editor Lucas Goodwin, refuses to desist. Doug forcibly relocates the prostitute Rachel Posner, who was involved in Russo's covered-up DUI and eventual downfall, and is now afraid of the consequences. Frank makes a new ally in Jacqueline Sharp, a former war hero, as his choice to replace him as House Majority Whip, and suggests an open race within the House to allow Jackie to compete against the expected candidates. Claire leverages her former employee Gillian Cole's expected lawsuit by fraudulently excluding vital medication for her unborn child from her health insurance, and then offers her total control of the Clean Water Initiative as a purported peace offering.